
What is a happy

Have seen a Buddhist phrase, ask what is happiness, the story is from the beginning of a spider: Spider is a Buddhist temple on the creatures, perennial language influenced by the Buddha incense, so there will be a spiritual one day cricket has been blown one injured to her a net, that is a pre-Buddhist spiritual things, and she already is no longer rely on prey for a living, and she cured his wounds and released him, but his shadow is deeply reflected in the her heart. So she began to miss, miss it originally belonged to her I had lost theFeelings。

Later, she met the Buddha, the Buddha asked her, what is happiness? She said: happiness is not to be, and have lost. Buddha: If you still think about it, after a thousand years to tell me. Spider also cultivating a thousand years, but also met the Buddha. Buddha asked: What is happiness? Spider wrote: Happiness is never received, and have lost. Buddha: Well, see you can have such a savvy, I will let you take a trip to the earth.

So spider into a beautiful young girl, she finally met in the earth which has also been practicing adult cricket, he is an almost perfect man. The most fortunate is that they know, and of proximity, she finally found the opportunity to close him. But, regrettably, do not remember cricket has long been pre-existence. But she was adamant that he belongs to her. So they deliberately arranged in her place for some romantic love. But then the story they are not in accordance with her wishes the development of cricket finally has fallen in love with a woman called Changfeng spiders heartbroken, she is unknown Baifo Why is there such arrangements, which was supposed to belong to her has given others. So she began to cling to the past life memories of loneliness, began to depression, every one went to her man that she would unconsciously take him and the crickets comparison, he became her get out of the shadows. Finally, there was finally a man broke into her heart, he is the kind of gentle man, though perhaps not the best, but it is her favorite person. But she can not forget the past, can not forget the crickets, she hesitated, confused.

Then she found the Buddha, the Buddha was still asked her, what is happiness? She did not know how to answer. She just asked Buddha Why do not you arranged for her and cricket together? They are the days set by fate. Buddha smiled and said: You are wrong, and now I'll tell you, happiness is not and has not been lost, but you now have and are taking place. Cricket is not destined to belong to you people, you do not forget that he has taken the wind around you come from, so he is bound to be part of Changfeng's. And your happiness is like your man, he was a Buddha before the grass, his love watching you, you already have a full thousand years .
Buddha Says hard life, there are eight:
Birth, aging, illness, death,
Aibie Li, grudges, long-term, seek not, fit.
However, when you get put aside, and forgotten, together we will certainly not be in no matter how tough it?
When you are paranoid fled Oliver, the new Oliver are quietly put your flood.
People tend to fall into the sea of bitterness center desperately struggling fled in all directions, never looking back.

Women like to have a sense of security men

Men often do not get to know one thing, women want is a sense of security, so she finally agreed to follow you, cook and clean for you, life guard at your side stubbornly persists. However, what is too vague sense of security.

Many men may be depressed - how do I know how she was only a sense of security? Especially now that the urban women, watched too many vicissitudes of life, a sense of security appears to be a luxury. A woman's sense of happiness are often associated with a sense of security is linked. So, a man, if you allow the other party a sense of security, then your feelings on the success of the half.

"To know how to respect the woman,"

Not too much interference in each other's choices, it is best to encourage her to develop their own expertise, because everyone is the same, if they do not like to do is things will not have passion and drive, and you feel good, not necessarily She believes that is the most suitable for them. Modern man in an important criterion is that respect for all women, including only one side of the edge of people.

"Warm physical contact"

Why do women love to pull a man's hand? Because of this intimacy, people feel at ease. People actually have a desire for physical contact, men and women are the same. Palms, the warm embrace, is most impressed by a woman, what the diamond more than a lifetime to remember. She generally think of you, all mostly think of your arms, so should not fail to embrace and Interlacing fingers.

"Timely greetings with their relatives"

Each woman is very concerned by the fall and considerate, but too much will only make her troublesome concern. She was distressed when you make good as the role of trash on it. Sometimes a woman needs only one able to tell the object, so much of the release came out, does not necessarily require the results. Try to remember her and your friend's name mentioned in her encounter difficulties, you can think of to give the best recommendations.

"Let her family and friends all admire you,"

Elders is formidable, eyes super-drug, if you can win her family and friends to enjoy, simply to get through half. Because women are usually very easily influence people around him, there is appreciation for your people, a lot of things you will get a lot of assistance.

"Just try to do open-minded, tolerant"

Although many men as the original home is a small sun, everything calls for fair, but what women need to coax, so please do not be too swayed by personal feelings, if not a matter of principle, first concession, and only let you calm down the conflict, both in order to calm down , and then to find a solution.

"Treat each other's pets"

Women feel like small animals, good-natured man, can take good care of pets, would certainly have to take care of their families. If you really do not like small animals, but you do not show too obvious, can be mildly warm way to tell her that you are allergic to the hair, like the reasons for relatively easily be accepted.

"May have been campaign-loving"

There is a certain sport-loving men, the more easily find the export of emotions that you feel is her passion and a heart, a man together, will make her life full of confidence. I do not think a woman likes a man only likes to drink all day long vent live with us.

"Let her feel it is safe to talk to you"

If a woman can openly communicate with you shows you in her heart there is a certain status. But you'd better know when to speak, when to shut up. Do not be afraid to express, you can share your due, and her feelings and thoughts, so she will think you are standing on her side, the heart will be more dependent on you. Make her confident that you will not because she expressed her innermost thoughts and laughed.

"Make things clear and the boundaries of a female friend"

Both men and women, should have their own circle of friends, but it is certainly the man to play an ambiguous so that the most hated woman. If you are embarrassed to refuse another woman, then sooner or later she would refuse you without pity. Ye Hao said to be vanity, no matter whether a sense of security, short, and they all want their men to be always in his line of sight among the hearing range. You can let her know that you are a friend who is traveling, but you can communicate well in advance, we can trust each other on the basis of space to each other. The appropriate time, give him something sweet, then it, very often, women on the subject you to this.

Between men and women is important to appreciate each other

It is said that the most important thing is not between men and women fall in love, but to appreciate each other.

Also recalls that of a girl he once said, this life you may come across many people who love you, but perhaps you have never met a more than I appreciate your person.

Enjoy a higher level of love. Most of the love, are based on possession for the purpose. The appreciation did not care whether it has been able to occupy. For men and women to an appreciation of each other's realm, the kind of love to America on the extreme, they do not have the heart to ruin it. Therefore, saying that, do not marry with the person you love, that is to enter this realm after a hazy feeling, is not entirely in the fever that nonsense. Once the men and women to enjoy each other's realm, if still further approached, integration, and are often able to bring out the love, the greatest pleasure.

Most of the men and women, also in the case of combination of sexual gratification, but insist that entered the realm of mutual appreciation, I am afraid these are usually just self-deception only. One woman wrote in an article: one cup of coffee and quasi-boyfriend, checkout, she said: Let me pay. Man kept saying "No No", followed by a man in relation to pay the bill pass the major principles. Then this woman wrote: I would like to tell him that I do not think that men are paying the price only grace, while women pay the non-self-esteem. I would like to tell him, and sometimes payment is also a fun and free and easy. However, I did not say anything, I know that he can not enjoy a happy and free and easy.

Appreciation is a kind of away from the secular viewpoint, do not care that some people agree with or resonate. Betrader appreciate people who have mood, he seems uninteresting from others where the words of manners Jujue Chu called "taste" things. When the girl approached the counter when billing for their breakfast, he would not think of rushing to pay the bill to show the man's demeanor, but rather a quiet sitting in the footsteps of light from the girls to enjoy a girl of that inner happiness; he would full of joy of listening to his girlfriend over the phone in few words, or come up with outlandish prank of the voice, feeling that underlay them a beautiful concerned about; he was just as we admired masters of calligraphy and painting to enjoy the same girlfriend graffiti taste to a masters of calligraphy and painting inside does not have a warm and Yu Tie. As for that the way to his girlfriend's graffiti as a copy of the company's paper into the drawer, the man, we do not need to go to demanding that they - that men still do not know how to appreciate.

A woman can not grow beautiful, a man can be poor or that there is no a girl willing to marry him, but not never been appreciated, or never watch the others - because there is a woman made such a word : "As long as you can appreciate the other half of half of the world, you will unreservedly embrace a complete world."


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What is a happy
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